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Top 10 ways of yoga day celebration

Top 10 ways of yoga day celebration

The United Nations General Assembly in 2014 declared 21st June as International yoga day. The date has special meaning in many parts of the world. It was India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi came with a concept of Yoga day. Since 2015, every year people all around the world celebrate this special day. There are many different ways of celebrating yoga day, as per people choice. Through this article, we will see top 10 ways of celebrating International Yoga day.

#1 Learn a new yoga Asana

Learn a new yoga Asana on Yoga Day
Learn a new yoga Asana on Yoga-Day / Image by Vinh Trịnh Ninh Xuân from Pixabay

What can be the best way to celebrate the special day of yoga lovers? Trying a new type of yoga or a new asana will be the best way of celebration. Learning is a lifelong process. People feel joyous of learning, if it is on celebration day. Doing something new on yoga day, will make new effect in person life. We remember something new done on a very special day. So learning new yoga can be a great idea.

#2 Sharing yoga experience

Share yoga experience
Share yoga experience / Image by Hans van Woerkom from Pixabay

Performing yoga every day will give you good experience and results. Sharing yoga experiences with others is also the best way to celebrate. People organize seminars, sessions, activities and competitions on yoga. They share their experiences through online or offline mode. This can be done on large or small group of yoga lovers. Sharing yoga experience can also be a way of celebration.

#3 Schedule/reschedule list of daily yoga Asana

Schedule list of daily yoga Asana
Schedule list of daily yoga Asana / Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

After practicing for many days, you can make changes in the list of yoga asana being performed. Different yoga postures has its own effect on body. As per the body requirement, the need of different yoga asana also changes. So, evaluate the importance and need of the asana being performed. Making a good list of daily yoga asana for yourself will be one of the best way to celebrate yoga day.

#4 Meditation

Do Meditation on Yoga Day
Do Meditation on Yoga Day / Image by Renata Hille from Pixabay

Meditation is also an important part of yoga. Doing a special type of meditation on 21st June is a kind of celebration in itself. Yoga teachers conduct special meditation session for many peoples in special ways. You can also go to beautiful peaceful natural environment for meditation on yoga day. This outing with meditation calls for celebration to many of us.

#5 Eat healthy

Eat healthy while celebrating Yoga day
Eat healthy while celebrating Yoga day / Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Celebrate this special day by preparing or inventing healthy food. Eating healthy food and doing yoga is key for fit body. For any kind of celebration, delicious food is a must. Call your dear one’s group for a party and celebrate with top class healthy food items. Share the recipes with friend and make others aware about it.

#6 Make at least one person aware

Create awareness about importance of yoga
Create awareness about importance of yoga / Image by Naassom Azevedo from Pixabay

Yoga Day is celebrated to make people aware about it. Keeping this in mind , aim every year to awake at least a person. Doing for a good cause, calls for celebration. Let one people join the class. Help others to create awareness about importance of yoga.

#7 Do something that makes you happy

Celebrate International Yoga Day with Happiness
Celebrate International Yoga Day with Happiness / Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay

If you are a yogic person, fully enjoy the important day. Do what makes you happy. Enjoy the day to its fullest. Interact with all your group. Plan a get-together to celebrate international yoga day. Get to involve in your favorite creative work. During yoga day celebration, a huge group of dancers performs a yogic dance. Various artists enjoy doing their artistic work for celebration. Staying happy and making others happy calls for great celebration in itself.

#8 Buying new yoga material

Buy Yoga Material
Buy Yoga Material / Image by gonghuimin468 from Pixabay

As a part of celebration, you can gift yourself with a new yoga material. A yoga mat, a jogger, t-shirt or any required yoga supplies can be purchased on the day. Like any festival, buying new items will make you celebrate yoga day. Donating material for yoga center can also be a good initiative for the day. Interest get to redevelop with new accessory. So, you can always plan to buy new yoga material every year.

#9 Read a book about more information on yoga

Read Yoga Book
Read Yoga Book / Image by Susanne Jutzeler, Schweiz

What you do should be known to the person. Knowing more about yoga can be done by reading books. There are many yoga books available in market. Reading these books will give you knowledge. You will know about the origin, history, various parts and current scenario of yoga. Information about yoga can be gathered from other sources also. Make the yoga day celebration special by reading or writing about yoga. I had written the article for my celebration, What about you?

#10 Post a yogic posture on social media

Share Yoga posture on social media
Share Yoga posture on social media / Image by 巻(Maki) from Pixabay

Any celebration without a photo is not complete. It’s more important if you are a photo loving person. Get superbly dress up, take a perfect asana posture click and post it on social media. Make people aware about yoga and celebrate the day.

Yoga is useful for health, discipline and also to adapt most important values of Life. It depends on person’s likeness, how they celebrate their special day. Above mention is the list of top 10 ways to celebrate international yoga day. Which one of way of yoga day celebration did you like the most? How you are going to celebrate for this year yoga day? Let us know by your comments.

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