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Top 10 Milk Producing Countries in the World

Top 10 Milk Producing Countries in the World

Many of us consider milk as complete food. Which is the top country to produce milk? In Which continent of world, milk is produce most? Which animal contributes more in country’s milk production? What makes milk more nutritive? What is the nutritive value Of Buffalo milk?

#1 India

India is largest milk producing country in the world
India / Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

The top most country in milk production is India. The country base on Agriculture and animal husbandry. Milk production plays an important role in country economy. It is also the largest buffalo milk producer in the world. Many top Cattle breeds found in the country. Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar and Rathi known for milking attributes. About 146.31 Million tonnes of Milk are produce. It makes 22 percent of global milk production. Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh are major region for milk production.

#2 United States of America

USA is the 2nd largest milk producing country
United States of America / Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

United States, of America is the second-largest milk producing country of the world. It produces 93.5 million tonnes of milk. Improvement in Technology with education lead to large scale milk production. Americans consume a lot of milk and its product. The country produces significant amount of milk. It is also a significant exporter of milk. Holstein, Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Jersey are some common Cattle breeds.
Milk Producing Regions are California, Wisconsin, Idaho, Pennsylvania, Texas and Minnesota.

#3 China

China is third largest milk producing country
China / Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Milk production in China has increased at a faster rate. People of China are growing health awareness. China is the major importer of milk because of its large population. Nowadays, Dairy is an essential element of a healthy diet. China is the third-largest milk producing country of the world. The nation is the world’s second-largest consumer of milk. China’s raw milk production is forecast to reach 39.65 million metric tons.

#4 Pakistan

Pakistan 4th country in milk production
Pakistan / Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Another country from Asia continent in milk production is Pakistan. It is the fourth-largest milk producing country in the world. Approximate 80 % milk is produce at small scale in rural area. Pakistan produces 42 million tonnes of milk. There is being increase in cow milk over buffalo milk. About 97%of milk is market in its raw form. Sahiwal is one of the best dairy breeds in Pakistan. Other breeds are Cholistani, Red Sindhi, Achai, Bhagnari, Dajal, Dhanni, Gibrali.

#5 Brazil

Brazil ranks 5 in milk production
Brazil / Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Brazil’s climate is the ideal for dairy production. The Brazil’s economy is base on the agriculture. The country, Brazil, has one of the largest dairy cow herds in the world. It is one of the largest milk and cheese producers of the world. Jersey and Holstein-Friesian are the well known cattle breeds of Brazil. Major region for milk are Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Parana. 35.7 million tonnes of milk is produce in Brazil.

#6 Germany

Germany is one of Top 10 Milk Producing Countries in the World
Germany / Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Germany is the largest European Union milk producer. Germany’s dairy industry is much organized. The country is the world’s largest exporter of breeding cattle. Germany has the largest dairy cattle herd. It is the second-largest cattle population in the European Union. In Germany, the farms are manage at two levels. There are small family operated farms and large scale farm of 2000 cows. Angeln Cattle, Gelbvieh, German Angus, German Red Pied, are some of the cattle breeds. Approximately 100 high-performing privately owned, cooperative and multinational companies are present. Milk production reaches to about 29.34 million tonnes.

#7 Russia

Russia ranks 7th in largest milk production countries
Russia / Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Russia is the largest country in the world. The Country is moving towards dairy farming with new techniques. It uses genetically modified cattle breed. Cattle Breed in the country is Holstein-Friesian cattle. Milk is one of the main products of animal husbandry in the Russian Federation. It accounts for about 40 percent of the gross product of animal husbandry. Moscow and St. Petersburg are the milk producing regions of the country. The quantity of milk produce by Russia is about 29 million tonnes. Thus making Russia the seventh country of the world in milk production.

#8 France

France is number 8th milk producing country in the world
France / Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Farming Industry is one of the important industry in France. Brittany is the number one region for livestock production in France. Brittany produces 21% of the milk volume. Pays de Loire and Normandy are other important milk producing region.
The total milk production of France is 23.2 million tonnes. The country of France rank eight in world largest milk production. Montbéliarde, Abondance and Tarentaise are common cattle breed of France.

#9 New Zealand

New Zealand ranks 9th worldwide in milk production
New Zealand / Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Milk is big business in New Zealand. Dairy farming is a major part of the New Zealand economy. It is New Zealand’s top export earner. Number of cattle are more the number of people in the country. There are 4.8 million dairy cows in New Zealand. Waikato, Taranaki, Southland, Northland, and Westland Re major milk producing area. Dairy farming is pasture based. The environment of the country favors the dairy industry. New Zealand milk production is of 21.53 million tonnes.

#10 Turkey

Turkey one of the Top 10 Milk Producing Countries in the World
Turkey / Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Turkey is among the top milk producing country’s of the world. Dairy products have an important role in the Turkish diet. The country’s consumption of milk is very low. The people of Turkey consume products of milk, as yogurt. Many of the citizen consume white cheese (feta type) and ayran, a liquid salted milk drink. Turkey has increased modern milk producing plants. Thereby increasing milk production in the country to about 19 million tonnes.

Do you like Milk and milk product? Which is your favorite milk product? What role do dairy industry play in development of the country? What part of your country plays in world’s milk production? Which breed of cattle is best known for quality milk production? In what ways you like the article? Do reply by comments.

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