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Why Top10File?

The website provides answers to your questions. It contains Top 10 list of various topics!

We always have questions in our mind like Who?, What?, Where?, When?, Why? Etc. Out of curiosity, we try to find answers to all our questions. In this vast internet era, we get answers. But the answers are sometimes not well organised or categorised. Here, on Top10File, we organise the top 10 list by category. Also, we regularly update the top 10 rankings for you.

Get Answers

Get answers to your questions. Grow your general knowledge with

Well Organized

All topics are organised category wise. So, you can quickly find your interest topic.

Regular Updates

The Top 10 list is regularly updated. So, you get latest and correct information.


Pradnyankur Nikam


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A special thanks to following free/open source, technologies. Which includes, web frameworks, tools & services.

  • WordPress is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP. Our website uses latest WordPress in the back-end.
  • Our website uses Neve theme. Neve is a super fast, multipurpose WordPress theme.